Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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How to Prepare for your Boudoir Session

I am so happy!!

Is it really SUMMER??!

Girls - we all know what that means

No more untamed legs - wild hair - and goodness knows what else

No more wearing socks up to our armpits - hats down to our knees - and no more tripling our layers while we overdose on tea to keep cozy?!

It's time to get our legs out - put our winter woolies away - and put a smile on our faces!

And it's time for a few patio Prosecos <3

It's funny how we all make more of an effort as the sun comes out.

And I'm currently doing A Beautiful Inspiration style challenge which is helping me get out of the winter funk!

So ladies - while you are prepping for the summer months - think about your boudoir experience too!

Here's a Pre Session Preparation Guide and hints of what to do and when to do it - in time for your boudoir session...



- fresh nail polish (not chipped) - bring it with you just in case. 


- sometimes we ditch the heels and go barefeet for a more intimate feel - make sure your feet are in good condition. 


- this includes brows, armpits, legs, bikini area - which should be done 1-2 days prior to your session. 


- dirty hair is actually better for curling and giving a little va va voom - so wash your hair 24 hours (or more) before your session. 


- dry skin does not photograph well - if possible, exfoliate and moisturize the night before your session. 


- if you are going to tan, please make sure it is done at least 3 days before your session - this will prevent uneven colouring and colour being transferred to furniture. 


- this will help with skin dehydration and skin breakouts - do this for a good week leading up to your session. 

Arrive with a CLEAN FACE and NO MAKEUP! 

"Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself - on the inside and out!" - author unknown