Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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Sweet as HONEY

Moving across the pond to a whole new world was such an exciting time for my hubby and I - but oh so daunting!

We were leaving our family and friends.

- Our careers which we thought we would hold on to forever.

- Our cute little English cottage.

We were starting again in a ‘foreign country’ where they speak the same language - but have no idea what a Courgette is!!

Despite the slight communication barrier, these ‘foreigners’ were friendly - we soon found friends - ‘family’ in fact!

I miss my family dearly, and my friends - from our ‘previous life’ - but that distance is made easier knowing that we have amazing people here too.

One of those amazing friends wears ‘rose tinted spectacles’ too - just like me.

I love the strong and positive attitude that she has on life, even though life has been throwing her lemons - and hitting her full on in the head, some days - but she simply squirts said lemons back at life, and carries on with a smile!

We met for lunch one afternoon (after I had responded to her Facebook post - she was looking to work with other photographers and I was looking for a second shooter) - we 'clicked' immediately! (hehe, see what I did there!!)

Louise and I have been friends for almost two years.

We had so much to talk about - like we were catching up, not meeting for the first time. She just has that effect on people. I certainly have found a colleague and crafting partner for life.

The Queen Bee of Lulu Bee Photography - an amazing wife and mother of two sweet little girls - somehow, manages to make time for your family too - capturing your special times!

- your new bundle of joy

- making a mess with your little one as they smash their way through a cake for the first time

- piggy back rides in the summer sun

- running as fast as you can through a foot of snow

- cuddling on the couch with your loves (and their sippy cups)

Family is her passion - and now - she will look after my lovelies too.

Walking away from family and newborn photography, and concentrating on my true passion - weddings and beauty - was an extremely hard decision made easier by Lou’s passion and friendship. I knew she would be able to look after my lovelies - just as I did.

This change festered in my head for so long. I thought long and hard about this - it just seemed like such an unnatural progression - why would I choose to say ‘goodbye’ to part of my business??

Because my heart wasn’t truly in that part - and quite simply . . . I WANTED to - I want to be able to focus all my energy into what my heart actually desires. 

I’ve met so many wonderful families and adorable babies!

But honestly, I love it when I can instruct my model to go into a pose, instead of having to physically put them into position - and then they cry because they are naked and not cozy enough - even though the rest of us are NEEDING to get naked, because it's 100 DEGREES IN HERE!

I LOVE it when my lovelies look into each other's eyes - you can feel the love, the energy, the connection they have.

Although I have been able to achieve that same feel/look to an image with a family, that is usually after shot #50 because no-one  EVER likes to look in the same direction at the same time!

Anyway, that's my little rant over...

I just wanted to talk you through my thought process - the reason behind my decision - behind the change that I am so excited for! 

You will be in safe hands with Lou - I will miss you - but I know you will have lots of fun!

But please, stay with me through my writing journey - another big change that I am excited to grab hold with both hands and see where it will take me - and YOU!

And please, when you get a ring on that finger or need to get your beauty on - you know where I am <3

Stay Tuned...

Coming up in the next blog - "A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear"! Is it though??

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