Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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You will be the centre of attention on your wedding day!! All eyes ON you??

You will be the centre of attention on your wedding day!! All eyes ON you??

A little nervous about being the centre of attention on your wedding day?? I’ve got you covered!

I remember [perfectly] how I felt on July 10, 2010 at 2.20pm (yes, I was a 'fashionably late' bride!)

I was drunk on HAPPINESS!

My best friend was waiting at the gazebo - waiting to marry me! I was so excited to get to him - and see him - see him dressed perfectly in his black suit and Cadbury purple cravat.

But once I sat in the Rolls Royce with my dad - and we took the twenty minute ride to the venue - the butterflies set in.

I was still SUPER EXCITED - but I was suddenly nervous too!

I was thinking about walking down the aisle - where our friends and family sat at either side - waiting - and momentarily they would be looking right at me as I walked towards my whole reason for being there.

This made me nervous because I knew that I would have the biggest grin - plastered across my face - an uncontrollable grin - an 'ugly' grin (not really ugly - but like an 'ugly cry' - only happy!)

And it happened - my 'ugly grin' was HUGE!

But it didn't matter - because he was perfect - and waiting for me - and his smile was as big as mine!

We were now stood under the gazebo - all eyes on us - but that didn't matter either - because our eyes were only on each other.

It was like everyone had disappeared - until we had to say our vows.

I had to concentrate soooo hard - I had to make sure I remembered the four or five words that I had to repeat - and make sure that those words came out of my mouth - exactly as they were supposed to.

Sometimes, I'm convinced that English is not my first language (I speak double Dutch very well though!)

Ten minutes - that is all I had to manage - and I did!

The rest of the day was easy-peasy - I was no longer walking alone - I was hand in hand with my husband - dancing as we proceeded down the aisle - being showered in confetti. 

What I am trying to say is - I know how you are feeling...

I know that you are wanting to run up the aisle - get there as fast as you can - to give yourself less time in the spotlight. 

I know that you are dreading being up there - at the alter - speaking in front of everyone.

I know that you are going to make your hubby say everything in the thank you speech - so that you can stand their looking pretty - instead of feeling silly.

All of these moments are just that - moments - they are unavoidable moments - but they are just a fraction compared to the rest of the day .

These few parts of the day are inevitable - but I promise that the rest of the day will be a ‘piece of cake’ - and if you would prefer not to feel like the centre of attention on your wedding day - there are ways in which we can design your day to help achieve this.

There are a couple of ways that picture time can happen - and from the many weddings that I have had the pleasure of photographing - the latter one is a favourite among my brides (and me). 

As you know (from last week's blog - Wedding Day TIMELINE) - Family photos, Bridal Party photos and Bride&Groom photos are generally what is expected. 

Some choose to start (or finish) with the family photos - and then drive to one or two more locations with their Bridal Party - and spend all afternoon 'partying' together for pictures. 

Definitely a fun way to spend your day - hanging out with your best friends - but let's face it - friends can be a little distracting - especially when trying to get those romantic shots. 

This is why I usually suggest doing all the group shots FIRST. 

Hang out with your group for the forty-five minutes required - and then send them on their merry way - leaving the two of you alone (well, with me too, of course!)

Without the audience - your Bride&Groom shots will become more authentic - making a perfect image - instead of feeling awkward - and seeing that awkwardness in the picture.

This is exactly how my wedding day photo shoot happened too - and I remember feeling really comfortable - and had so much fun!

I want YOU to feel comfortable and BEAUTIFUL - and have soooo much FUN too!!

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