Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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Feedback - How are we doing? 

Sixteen years ago - I bought my very first car - and learnt to drive. 

In between lessons - my dad would accompany me in my purple Nissan - so I could practice - and get better.

My dad was always very forthcoming with 'feedback'... 

"No - you need to do it this way!"

"Stop riding on your break."

"You are too close" (as he gripped his seat and pressed his foot on the imaginary break!)

I listened - even though I thought my driving was awesome!

I wanted to get better - so I could pass my driving test - and get out there - on my own! 

I had to get better so the 'nagging' would stop. 

So whichever way you look at it - the 'nagging' was actually positive - and constructive. 

And I wanted to make my dad proud. 

And he was! 

The day I passed my test - I returned home to find my dad had jumped out of bed after a night shift - and was waiting at the door for my news.

He then gave me a HUGE hug - and was close to tears - I knew he was proud!

Then off I went - in my purple car - out on the roads - alone! 

It took a few years before my dad could ride with me without holding on for dear life - but we got there in the end!

Feedback is important - and essential to everyone - in our personal lives AND in business. 

And that is why I am reaching out to you today... 

Pretty as a Picture Photography is five years in the making - and I NOW have a mentor (Baretta Consulting Ltd)

I've thought about it for a while - and finally 'found the time' to commit to meeting with a business coach. 

What was one of the first things she coached me on?? 


So here it is - OUR Survey! - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8JN57HY

I feel so proud as to how far my business has come - how many changes have been made - how many improvements this business has gone through...

But I've got to keep going - and keep improving. 

I always have YOU in mind when I create my packages - products - and offer my services. 

I want to make sure that I am staying true to that... 

Are you getting what you want? What you need? 

Please answer these six little questions to help enhance the overall experience for our future brides and beauties!

'Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over - it became a butterfly..."

COMPLETE OUR SURVEY HERE - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8JN57HY

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