Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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Boudoir Photography is my passion!

I LOVE helping women find their inner-beauty and confidence!

I love seeing the transformation of a woman : sipping champagne nervously as she sits back and undergoes a makeover - then leaving the shoot feeling absolutely amazing and BEAUTIFUL!

I want woman to feel empowered - and when you are brave enough to consider doing your own boudoir session - you have already taken the first step to feeling that way! 

You will feel vulnerable at first - but by the time your session is over you will feel fabulous - and you will want to do it all over again!

High Fives!!

Who is a boudoir session for? 


The man of your dreams has got down on one knee - and surprised you with the most beautiful diamond you have ever seen! How the heck are you going to top that??!

Well, surprise him with boudoir images, of course!

Gift him with a calendar or beauty book - and you will knock him to his knees again!


It’s always lovely and super appreciated when you receive a gift from someone.

But isn’t it wonderful when you gift yourself?!

Celebrate your age - whether you are turning 30, 44 or even 69!

You can look and feel amazing at any age - boudoir is not just for the spring chickens!


Are you listening??!

You are not too lumpy and bumpy - or skinny to the bone!

You are not too old and wrinkly!

You are not too tall or tiny!

You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are! It’s okay to be you - why would you want to be anyone else?!

I know you don’t believe me! 

But trust me - once you have experienced a boudoir session - and you see your images - you will see for yourself how beautiful you are!

Our aim is to show you what you look like from the outside!

Show you what everyone else sees - beauty!


A boudoir session is not a just a confidence boost - or a gift - or a celebration of milestones.

It is a celebration of body achievements!

Whether you have successfully gained weight or lost it - or even packed on some muscle for the bikini competition you can now cross off your bucket list!

Show off that body you are super proud of!


Anyone can do a boudoir session - just because! Who needs an excuse, right?!

Do it as a GIRLS’ DAY OUT - with your BFFs!

Do it as a GIFT TO YOU - the kids have gone back to school and you can finally breath and do something for you! Go on - pamper yourself!

Do it because it’s Wednesday!!

I have done one THREE times now - because I love how they make me feel - and I always have so much FUN!

So. Is boudoir photography for you??

Yes. Yes. YES!!

Boudoir Photography is for EVERYONE!

EVERY woman deserves to feel feminine, confident, strong, beautiful, fearless, empowered and, of course, pampered!

And in our boudoir studio - you will feel all of those things - because we start by making you feel relaxed and comfortable.

A glass of champagne while listening to your favourite playlist - while our expert hair stylist and makeup artist pampers you and prepares you for your fun photo shoot!

You are a Boudoir Beauty!

“The greatest risk any of us will take, is to be seen as we are!” - Cinderella

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