Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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Pre Session Preparation

I'm about to state the obvious!

It's winter!

It fricking cold!!

Girls - we all know what that means

Untamed legs - wild hair - and goodness knows what else

Why would we go to all that trouble when we are wearing socks up to our armpits -

hats down to our knees -

and tripling our layers while we overdose on tea to keep cozy?!

No one is going to see what lies beneath until the sun has well and truly got his hat on - right?


As I prep for NYC - I sit in the bath - 'grooming'!

I'm not even sure why - since it's fricking cold there too!

Other than - its vacation time - and necessary pampering puts me in the mood!

My legs are smooth

My hair is purple

And my brows are under control!

So ladies - I know that looking pretty isn't at the forefront of our minds during these subzero temperatures - but

If you are booked in for a boudoir session - you are going to want to think about it!

Here's a Pre Session Preparation Guide and hints of what to do and when to do it - in time for your boudoir session...



- fresh nail polish (not chipped) - bring it with you just in case. 


- sometimes we ditch the heels and go barefeet for a more intimate feel - make sure your feet are in good condition. 

If you are going to TAN

- please make sure it is done at least 3 days before your session - this will prevent uneven colouring and colour being transferred to furniture. 


- this includes brows, armpits, legs, bikini area - which should be done 1-2 days prior to your session. 


- dirty hair is actually better for curling and giving a little va va voom - so wash your hair 24 hours (or more) before your session. 


- dry skin does not photograph well - if possible, exfoliate and moisturize the night before your session. 


- this will help with skin dehydration and skin breakouts - do this for a good week leading up to your session. 

Arrive with a CLEAN FACE and NO MAKEUP! 

"Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself - on the inside and out!" - author unknown

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