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My 5+ Favourite Benefits of Journaling

There are many incredible benefits to journaling, and I say this from experience. I have been journaling every day for almost two and a half years and in that time, I have noticed such a difference within myself in all areas of my life, physically and mentally.

Here are my 5 favourite ways that journaling has helped me.


 Journaling is my meditation. As an entrepreneur and a person who naturally likes to keep busy, my thoughts are constantly running at a million miles a minute. I find it very hard to switch off…I find it very hard to meditate. Journaling slows down my racing thoughts and keeps me in the present. I do this by reflecting on my day.

 Try it by asking yourself the following questions.

-        What made you smile?

-        What are you grateful for?

-        What are you proud of yourself for?


Living in the now and being aware of the positives within your day can also reduce stress, depression and anxiety.

 Journaling has also made me more patient and less expectant of myself and others.


 Even though being present and being mindful of what is happening in this very moment, journaling is also a great place to share your dreams. Writing down your plans is likely going to increase the chances of those dreams coming true. Journaling helps you to concrete those intentions, moving you towards the life you actually want.



 As positive as I am, I have to admit that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. For those rainbows to show their true colours…it has to rain too. It’s the same with life. We are always going to face struggles…no one is exempt from that. Those struggles are there to strengthen us, but for that to happen, you must acknowledge what has happened and learn from them. Do not push those thoughts, feelings and memories away. It’s not always easy to talk to someone else for fear of judgement or embarrassment…this is where your journal comes in. Reflect on your past within the pages of your journal and allow every word on those pages to heal you in private.


Once upon a time, I was a shy girl. Over the years, I found ways to boost my confidence because I refused to stay in the shadows. Although my confidence had improved tenfold over the years prior to journaling, I still noticed a huge difference in myself once I did start journaling.

 Journaling helps you to discover who you are. You will become more aware of your wants, needs and quirkiness. We are all different…and that is a good thing. You are not for everyone…neither am I…but to the right people, you are everything. Journaling made me realise that and it can help you see it too and give you the confidence to BE YOU.



 Once I started journaling, I stopped procrastinating on writing my book. Writer’s block is a real thing, so once I started to put pen to paper, more ideas came to me, and words started to flow. I also noticed that I have become more articulate with my words, verbally and written. Even my hubby thinks I’m smarter now and I think he may be feeling a little threatened ;) hehe!

Journaling has even more benefits than the five I have mentioned. I haven’t particularly noticed them myself, but perhaps you will.


-        Keeps you focused

-        Improves your Sleep

-        Improves your memory…and your mood

-        Boosts your immune system


Do you journal? What positive differences have you noticed?

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