Experienced Boudoir & Branding Photographer Edmonton

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Comparison is a Killer!

If you read my ‘Confidence can be Learned’ blog, you will know that I had the pleasure and privilege of being the emcee at an International Women’s Day Chamber event, a couple of weeks ago. What an amazing opportunity and experience it was…and one I will never forget.

I took away so much from that event…

Once I got settled in, I did my rounds and got talking to the event photographer. She immediately informed me of how nervous she was to be taking pictures at this event, and how she almost backed out. I asked her why and she said it was because of me! I was a little confused by this, but she went on to explain that she admired me and my work and the thought of taking pictures of another photographer, intimidated her.

This broke my heart and brings me to my point of comparison is a killer! She was comparing her work to mine and I don’t even photograph events. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. In doing so, she almost missed the event completely, meaning she would have missed the chance to meet new people and be inspired by these wonderful women, and she would have missed the opportunity to gain more experience in her field of photography. If this photographer had said no to photographing this event, she would have been denying us all of her beautiful pictures.

I let her in on a little secret. Talking in public does not come easy to me. I could have chosen to compare myself to any number of women who do well at speaking, including the last emcee. Had I done that…I would not have leveled up my confidence. Had I let comparison and fear get in the way, I would have missed out on something life changing.

Photographing events is not easy, but we do the best we can…and she did. She did a fabulous job of capturing the fun and fabulousness of the festivities. I’m so happy she found the courage to show up…not just for us, but for herself!

Do not let comparison kill your experiences, your joy or your confidence. Just do your best and be you. We are all different…and that’s a good thing! If we were all the same, life would be pretty dull.

As an influential woman of our past once said…

“Don’t be like the rest of them, darling”

– Coco Chanel


How have you allowed comparison to stop you from doing things, enjoying things and being you?

I would love to hear your story!

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