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My Book is about to GO LIVE on Amazon!

I cannot believe that this day is finally upon us…my book is being PUBLISHED!!! Woohoo!

My book is no longer just thoughts in my head or notes on paper…it’s an actual physical hold-it-in-your-hands thing that I cannot wait to share with you all!

Self-love is self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-respect, self-confidence, self-contentment, self-care and self-development. It’s a journey of learning to love yourself to the core, and my book, Just Be You, will have you digging deep into each of these areas of self. You will learn to see your own loveliness and become the confident woman you long for and are destined to be. You will think about your life, your future and you as a person.

Ultimately, you will be thinking about whether you are living your best life and the life you want.

Every day, you will ask yourself one question of 366 that I have carefully put together for your own personal development. These are questions I have asked myself and in doing so, witnessed my own growth. Your life will change, one day at a time…one journal prompt at a time.

Even though Just Be You is a twelve month journey, self-love is an ongoing journey beyond that one year. It’s not a 75 hard, where you hit it nonstop for weeks and then you’re done. It’s not a diet where you go hard, lose the weight and stop. It’s a forever plan. It will never end. It’s a daily practice that will be in your life forever…if you wish to reap the rewards.

Just Be You can be revisited year after year…or you can move onto another prompt book and see where that takes you. Whether you go through my book or another, journaling prompts are an amazing asset to have to guide you through your self-love and journaling journey.

Do you journal daily? Have you considered it? What’s stopping you?

Having prompts takes away the excuse of “I don’t know where to start” . . . so what are you waiting for?

Join me and my lovelies on Saturday January 8, 2022 at 10am (on Zoom) for an online Launch Party where we will celebrate each other and the release of the book!! You will be one of the firsts to receive the amazon link…and purchase my book ;)

Soooo EXCITING!!!!

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