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Self-Love is a Necessity to Your Mental Well-being!

The term self-love is thrown around a lot these days. It has become a buzzword. But has the buzz died? Has the meaning and importance of self-love died with it?

Has self-love been overdone?

I’m still struggling to get my head around this after a lot of pondering. How is self-love considered trendy…or not?!

Self-love is NOT a fad!

It’s not a diet to come and go. It’s a lifestyle. Self-Love is something that should always be present. It’s a practice of living your best life. It’s about being happy. How is that something to take or leave?! Surely, we all want more peace…and that starts with ourselves.

Just because self-love is talked about all the time and everywhere, it doesn’t mean it is overdone. Perhaps it’s just overwhelming?! It does need to be talked about though, otherwise it won’t be at the forefronts of our minds, and we won’t prioritise it.

When self-love is practiced daily, it will make a difference. I’ve seen the change in my friends, my clients and even myself.

Many psychology studies suggest that self-love practices are key to positive mental health and well-being and are known to decrease depression and anxiety…you just have to know what YOU need.

Of course, like everything else, there’s so much information out there and not all of it is going to pertain to you. Perhaps that’s the problem…we don’t know how or where to start…so we don’t!

Having the guidance of thought-provoking questions is self-love in one place.

Find a journal prompt book that appeals to you and start there!

Self-love has been a present in my life for many years, and journaling daily is by far the most effective strategy I have experienced. Give it a try!

Let’s start a conversation >> How do you currently practice self-love? Do you know what works for you?

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