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What is Self-Love?

Self-love is a journey of learning to love yourself to the core.

Self-love is self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-respect, self-confidence, self-contentment and self-development. It’s self-care too, but self-care is more about prioritizing yourself so you can stay on that journey of self-love.

Within my book, Just Be You (available on Amazon) you will dig deep into each of these areas. You will learn to see your own loveliness and become the confident woman you long for and are destined to be. You will think about your life, your future and you as a person.

Ultimately, you will be thinking about whether you are living your best life and the life you want.

I like to think of self-love as travelling on a train…and all the elements of self that fall under it (awareness, acceptance, respect, development, confidence, contentment and care) are the individual stations that you will stop at and travel through.

Spend time on that train…letting go of the past, looking forward to the future and enjoying every moment in between. Be aware of who you are and want to be…and what you need and don’t need.

Accept the things you cannot change about yourself…those things make you YOU.

Find joys in the simplest of things.

Respect yourself enough to put yourself first.

There’s no right or wrong station to start at. There’s no limit of time to stay at each station. There’s no rule to say you can’t revisit that station. Everyone’s journey is personal and different…only YOU know what YOU need!

One day, you will feel like you have reached your final destination…that ultimate feeling of truly loving who you are. Amazing!! What a feeling that is. But don’t forget to stay on the train and continue to revisit each station.

Self-love is an ongoing journey. It’s not a 75 hard, where you hit it hard for a few weeks and then stop. It’s not a diet where you go hard, lose the weight and stop. It’s a forever plan. It will never end. It’s a daily practice that will be in your life forever…if you wish to reap the rewards.


Which station do you need to stop off at first? Why?

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