5 Tips to Accept Your Imperfections

One day we are stressing out about our imperfections - trying our best to hide them or ignore them. And the next - we are totally owning them - or just not caring anymore! 

Does it really happen over night? Or do we go through subconscious steps as we get older??

Do we gain experience, knowledge, respect and acceptance of our flaws - at the same time as gaining freckles, wrinkles and grey hairs!

Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones - who has gained acceptance naturally (and so far avoided the grey hairs). 

But for those who need a little guidance - follow these 5 tips to accept your imperfections!

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Only compare yourself to the best version of yourself! Do not compare yourself to others.

Some outfits look better on others - because their body shape is meant for that style.

So find the styles that are best suited for you!

Some hair cuts or makeup looks look better on others - because their face shape suits it.

So find the look and cut that is best suited for your face!

We all have different body shapes - all of which have been 'perfect' at one time or another.

So who's to say that body type can't be perfect now?!

Your only competition should be the woman looking back at you in the mirror!

Find the positives in all your imperfections. Change your perception on how you look at your flaws - one imperfection at a time. 

I hate my feet!

My toes are all random sizes and don't form the shape of a 'normal' foot - but they make me unique!

And - they work! I can walk!

Maybe you think you're too quiet?!

But maybe that just means are you are a great listener!!

Every negative has a positive has a negative!

What's the positive in your negative?

Surround yourself with positive, supportive and like-minded people. 

Happiness is an individual choice - but every choice is influenced by the people in our lives. 

Surround yourself with people who help you be the best you can be - or bring out the best in you.

Choose friends who inspire you to always try your best - and boost your confidence when you need it.

Find people who you are proud to know - and who are proud to know you.

People who make your day better by just by being in your life!

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Put everything into perspective.

Are you healthy?

Are you happy?

What needs to change to be these?

Work on those! 

Worry doesn't do anything to make life better - and it will steal your happiness!

Give up on 'being perfect' and begin working on becoming yourself! 

Perfection is subjective.

We all have our own ideas as to what is perfect and what is not.

Even societies idea of perfection has changed drastically and repeatedly since the 1900s!

So instead of trying to keep up with the media - and what is 'perfect' now! Work on maintaining the best version of yourself!

Our 'perfect self' can be a roller coaster ride.

Some days you eat salads and go to the gym - some days you eat donuts and refuse to put on pants!

That's balance!

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SHOUT OUTS go to...

Our Boudoir Beauty: Jana!!
Hair: Kelly / Andrea - The Loft Hair Studio Stony Plain
Makeup: Shalan - YShal - Younique
Tan / Shoot Assistant: A Lee (Aimee) - Tan On The Run Edmonton

"Everything is so beautiful when you stop looking for flaws"

There's lots of boudoir photography options available, all of which can be custom made just for you - check out my packages and pricing here.

with LOVE and a smile - Emma

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