7 Day Confidence Challenge

Everyone has some kind of confidence struggle - whether it be body image, talking to people or believing that you are amazing at what you do.

And everyone needs a little help sometimes - getting over these hurdles.

Because that's all they are.

Sometimes you have to do some scary stuff - and at the other end of those difficult experiences...




So here's a little boost to help us all get to the other side.

Starting MONDAY MARCH 5, 2018



Day 1: GET SEXY!

Shower, shave, pluck, style your hair, put on some makeup (if you like to wear it) and EVERYONE put on clothing that makes you feel AH-MAZING!

And if some of you have to wear a uniform or cover-alls to work - put on some sexy underwear. 

It doesn't have to been seen to make you feel sexy.

When you put effort into your look you FEEL different.

Even if you're just at home - DO IT! 

Post your sexy selfie below - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group


Get at least 30 mins of exercise in today (in any form) - and

You can even split it up into increments if you don't have a 30 min block of time. 

You can do a 15 min walk at lunch - and then 15 mins of dancing while you cook supper.

Just get moving!

Post about it below - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group - even add a video of how you moved your body today!


Learn something new!

Read a book.

Google something you've always been curious about or just want to know.

Watch a You-Tube video about a cooking technique you haven't used yet - or try a new recipe.

Expand your talents and capacities.

Remember to share below what you've learned - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group


This one seems simple to do for others but not for ourselves.

Start by noticing yourself in the mirror.

And do it without the negative self-talk.

Talking negatively about yourself not only erodes your self confidence but also makes you feel small.

For example: I often think of myself as an "idiot" when I forget something or make a mistake.

Then I correct myself - and remind myself that I am only human.

Be kind to you.

Share your act of kindness to yourself below - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group

Bonus points if you ALSO show an act of random kindness to someone else today. 


List 5 things that you are truly and genuinely grateful for today.

Take some time to really notice the beauty in the world and the people around you.

What are the small things that you might be taking for granted?

What are you grateful for about YOU?

By all means - if you have more than 5 things to be grateful for - that's wonderful! List them all.

I have so much gratitude for all of you lovely people who are participating in this challenge!

I wouldn't be having nearly as much fun if I was doing this by myself! 



This one is pretty straight forward.

Do something (ANYTHING - big or small) that's been on your to-do list for awhile.

Book in for a haircut (I'm guilty of this one)

Get an oil change on your car (yup - this one definitely applies to me as well)

File your taxes - or organize your bills (oh man - I didn't even think I was a procrastinator)

Every time we put things off - we start believing that maybe we aren't capable - that maybe we just can't "handle" life.

NOPE! Squash that crazy belief!

Just go do the thing and post it below - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group


When you face your fear - you show yourself that you are actually a BADASS! 

It may take just one day or even one tiny choice at a time - but you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

The only way you can gain that confidence in yourself is to challenge yourself and be willing to fail at it.

Examine your life. 

What is the area that you feel stuck in?

What is that thing you've been really wanting to do...but have been too 'scared' to do? 

DO IT! Or take action steps towards doing it

Post about it below - or in our new Pretty as a Picture Photography's BOUDOIR BEAUTIES Facebook Group

This last one might be the most difficult for some of you - but you made it this far - so you can do it!

And if you want join in on another fun confidence community - head on over to the Secrets of Self Confidence group - run by my fabulous friend, Kayla! She is the mastermind behind these challenges <3

"Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start to BELIEVE in yourself - magic will start to happen!"

There's lots of boudoir photography options available, all of which can be custom made just for you - check out my packages and pricing here.

with LOVE and a smile - Emma

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