Save it for a RAINY Day!

Indoor Photo Shoot Locations

Indoor photo shoot locations (for weddings and engagement photo shoots) in Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Hubby’s in his second week of suffering with a horrendous cold - his first of many of 2016 - no doubt!

So far, I am managing to avoid it - I thank my mom and dad for my great immune system - for making me play outside all the time - in any weather -

And I thank (my sister) Libla for helping me with the mud-pies -

And bathing in duck ponds has clearly helped too!

I usually only end up with about one cold per year - which will take up one day of my life (two at the most) - and I’m pretty sure it’s because we weren’t afraid to get a little dirt on our hands - and we were outside all. the. time! 

Mr Wood, however, was always inside playing video games in his parents’ freakishly clean house.

That is probably why he is allergic to dust, dogs, cats, horses - and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was allergic to goldfish too - and he also gets far too many colds that last for days! 

I went to bed last night feeling like my annual cold was upon me - but I’ve woke up this morning without a sniffle in sight!

Colds always bring out the cozy blankets and cups of tea - and an episode (or two - or ten) of Ugly Betty or Sex and the City 

And although there is something quite relaxing about sitting by the window watching the world (or wildlife) go about their day - I would much rather be outside - feeling the sun or cold air on my face!

People call me crazy when I decide to take the 15 minute walk to the mall - in minus 20 weather.

But here in Edmonton, we just carry on - regardless of the amount of snow!

In England - our day continues when it rains - otherwise, let’s be honest - we would get absolutely NOTHING done - because all it does there - is rain!!

Pack up your wellies (rubber boots) and umbrellas and let’s dance in the rain - and jump in the puddles!So when I am asked, “what do we do for pictures if it rains on our wedding day?” . . . 

Ok, maybe we won’t be jumping in the puddles - you need to keep your dress clean for your first dance - but what I mean is - let’s make the make the most of it - lets make this wet weather - FUN!

But we live in Alberta - we are more likely to get snow on your summer day than we are rain!

Honestly - in the past 4 wedding seasons, I have covered over 60 weddings - and only five of those weddings were rainy days!

We took shelter in the trees - we got cute shots under umbrellas and gazebos - and only a couple opted for indoor photo shoot locations.

So, despite having an exceptional track record when it comes to the weather - and being called the ‘weather fairy’ by a few - I know that I have to have a back-up plan - because some of you would prefer to watch the rain drops through the window!

Being in love with the outdoors means that indoor photo shoot locations do not come naturally to me - but I did manage to think up a few - just for you!

Some of these indoor photo shoot locations have been tried and tested by myself - but the others are just recommendations that I will one day get to try out for myself . . . 

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain” - unknown author

And just one more - a perfect wedding one . . . “rain is just confetti from the sky” - unknown author

There's lots of wedding photography options available, all of which can be custom made just for you - check out my packages and pricing here.

with LOVE and a smile - Emma

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