Frequently asked Boudoir Questions

What is boudoir? 

Boudoir is a genre of photography designed to capture sensual raw beauty images of women 

(and now men and couples too)

Fun fact... 

The word boudoir is actually french - as original meaning was - a private room for women to sulk - but then later - a place for scandalous frolics 

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Boudoir Offer - and my very first Facebook Live!

I did it!!

My very first Facebook Live!

And funnily enough - it felt just like a boudoir shoot...


Nerve Wrecking

And FUN!!

As scary as it was - and I totally rambled and fumbled my words - I will do another - and get better!

Did you manage to tune in??

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Find the time to face your fears!

Did you know that there's 1440 minutes in ONE day?!

That seems like a heck of a lot of time

yet I always feel like I'm running out of time!

Even during the winter season when I'm 'not busy'... I'm busy! 

My 'to do' list is getting longer - even though I am getting things done - bit by bit. 

I am so THANKFUL for Abi 

She came into my life to assist with weddings - and now she's helping with my TO DO list. 

She is saving me!

But can she save me from the grey hairs I seem to be sprouting??

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Having a mommy - as positive - happy - bubbly - just BRILLIANT - as mine... 

is such an inspiration. 

She's an absolute delight to be around. 

Whatever she is faced with ( in life ) - she tackles it head on 

with a smile! 

Mommy is one of the little pieces of the puzzle that made me WHO I am!

She is an inspiration. 

She inspires me to dream - and catch those dreams. 

She inspires me to be happy through the toughest times.

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Dreams Take Flight 

As soon as it was confirmed that I had been accepted on to the Dreams Take Flight team - as one of their Photographers for Disneyland - I hunted high and low for my Donald Duck.

Donald Duck has always been my favourite - and I think it’s because I could mimic his voice (or at least I thought I could) - but I  tried before I arrived at Disney and I can no longer do it . . . I just sound like a dying duck instead!

It was at exactly the same time that we had moved - so I was going through every box anyway - but I could not find my Donald Duck!

I did however find a letter from my little friend - thanking us for her treasure chest and Donald Duck - so clearly I thought she needed it more than me!

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Say YES!

With Granyma' recently passing away, it made me think...

did she do everything she dreamed of - that she wanted? 

Did she live life to the fullest?

Am I?

Am I fulfilling every dream?

Are you?

Are you saying Yes to opportunities - even though your stomach is churning - and butterflies are doing somersaults?

Are you saying yes - despite everyone else saying no - to that 'thing' - or to you?!

My hubby and I said YES to moving to Canada - even though it was a long and frustrating process - and people said "it's just a pipe dream"

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How much for a BOUDOIR Shoot?

Today we get our KEYS! Woohoo!

In three days - we get to move into our forever home!

New home.

New office.

New [outdoor] studio.

No more dull beige walls to stare at when I’m in thinking (ok - distracted) mode - I don’t even have a pot plant to look at!

But it’s ok - because in just a few days - not only will I potentially have a beautiful floral arrangement sat pretty on my shelves - but I will have a whole forest of trees to gaze into - as I ‘work’!

And I’m sure my work motivation will kick in once the novelty of new has gone - and it has sunk in that this is it - our dream has come true!

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