Now & Forever Photo Studio OPEN HOUSE

Six months ago - we moved into our very own studio in Spruce Grove. 

But we needed another excuse to party (hehe)

So we moved!!

We are now in a much bigger space on Main Street in Stony Plain. time!! Again!

And this time - it's going to be a big deal!

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Find the time to face your fears!

Did you know that there's 1440 minutes in ONE day?!

That seems like a heck of a lot of time

yet I always feel like I'm running out of time!

Even during the winter season when I'm 'not busy'... I'm busy! 

My 'to do' list is getting longer - even though I am getting things done - bit by bit. 

I am so THANKFUL for Abi 

She came into my life to assist with weddings - and now she's helping with my TO DO list. 

She is saving me!

But can she save me from the grey hairs I seem to be sprouting??

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Try BEFORE You Buy!!

Let’s do the ‘try before you buy’ thing!

It’s been a pretty wet summer - so far - but we’ve still had quite a few stinking HOT days!

Days I’d like to call ‘ice-cream' days - where salads and exercise go out of the window (well - sometimes, I WALK to get the ice cream) - and we indulge in a sweet, refreshing treat instead.

And the best thing about going for ice cream cones - is the sampling of every.single.flavour - just to make sure we pick the perfect one (or two) - before committing to an entire scoop!

You may not be able to make up your mind - but as soon as you taste THE one - you just KNOW!

Try before you buy!

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A Wedding Gift (or two) from the Guests!

Dear Guests,

Brides - stay tuned - there’s something for you too.

When you receive a wedding invitation in the mail from a dear friend (or relative) - and there’s no gift registry - your head falls into your hands...

doesn’t it?

What on earth am I going to buy as a wedding gift?!

Keep calm - I have the answers!

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Wedding Party gifts to say THANK YOU!

You’ve said your ‘I LOVE YOUs’ with a gift to each other.

Now it’s time to say your ‘Thank Yous’ - to your Bridesmaids and Groomsmen - with wedding party gifts.

The wedding party gifts can be a small gesture of appreciation - or a HUGE thank you - whatever your budget.

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Here is an AWESOME list - to help you find the perfect GIFT!!

At 33 years young (and six days - already!!!), I was expecting to go out for a few drinks with my friends - shopping with hubby - and a ‘family’ dinner with our Canadian family.


I wasn’t expecting prezzies!

Well, maybe from my hubby, hehe!

But not from my friends - my ‘family’ - or even my mommy (because I have told her several times that she really doesn’t have to - but she wants to - and I can’t say no to that).

I have received such beautiful gifts this year - my antique tea set is now complete - I have brand new (bright white) converse - and plenty of nail polish colours to get me through the seasons!

Thank you so much - I LOVE them all!

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Still deciding on ENGAGEMENT Pictures ?

Why are Engagement Pictures such a good idea? 

Most of my lovelies are camera-shy - avoid being the centre of attention - and therefore have probably never had a professional shoot done before.

So - with that in mind - do you really want your wedding day to be the first time that you experience a ‘paparazzi’ ? - that you experience a professional photo shoot.

Especially when you will already have a million and one things to think about

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Location, Location, LOCATIONS!

Engagement and Wedding Photo Shoot Locations...

When I'm thinking about photo shoot locations - I often find myself thinking of England - 

Thinking of the old cobbled streets that weave through the small village where I lived -

The old stone churches that have stood for centuries in each town -

I reminisce about the weekend walks we would take - rambling over the heather covered Yorkshire moors.

These places were practically on my doorstep - and now I feel like I should have made the most of them.

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Dress IMPECCABLY and they remember the Woman!

Engagement Shoot - what should you wear??

Dress to impress in your Engagement Shoot!

I've never been one to ask my girl-friends "what are you wearing for so-and-so?" - I like to pride myself on being different.

Actually, sometimes I would ask - just so I knew what NOT to wear - we don't all need to be wearing a little black dress (or whatever the IN-THING is at the time) 

I do LOVE fashion - but I'm usually wearing 'whatever' when its out of fashion!!

And now that I've had years of practice (and girls' nights out) - I feel that I am pretty good at knowing outfit situations...

What will I be expected to wear??

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