Say YES!

With Granyma' recently passing away, it made me think...

did she do everything she dreamed of - that she wanted? 

Did she live life to the fullest?

Am I?

Am I fulfilling every dream?

Are you?

Are you saying Yes to opportunities - even though your stomach is churning - and butterflies are doing somersaults?

Are you saying yes - despite everyone else saying no - to that 'thing' - or to you?!

My hubby and I said YES to moving to Canada - even though it was a long and frustrating process - and people said "it's just a pipe dream"

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Try BEFORE You Buy!!

Let’s do the ‘try before you buy’ thing!

It’s been a pretty wet summer - so far - but we’ve still had quite a few stinking HOT days!

Days I’d like to call ‘ice-cream' days - where salads and exercise go out of the window (well - sometimes, I WALK to get the ice cream) - and we indulge in a sweet, refreshing treat instead.

And the best thing about going for ice cream cones - is the sampling of every.single.flavour - just to make sure we pick the perfect one (or two) - before committing to an entire scoop!

You may not be able to make up your mind - but as soon as you taste THE one - you just KNOW!

Try before you buy!

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Wedding Party gifts to say THANK YOU!

You’ve said your ‘I LOVE YOUs’ with a gift to each other.

Now it’s time to say your ‘Thank Yous’ - to your Bridesmaids and Groomsmen - with wedding party gifts.

The wedding party gifts can be a small gesture of appreciation - or a HUGE thank you - whatever your budget.

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Wedding Day TIMELINE

A sample of a wedding day timeline - to take a little stress off your planning!

"It’s not about having time. It’s about MAKING time!”

Organized is my middle name - so I’m told!! 

Although, honestly - these last couple of weeks have not felt like it - this blog was supposed to have been posted last week!

Every vacation that my hubby and I take are planned months in advance - what we will be doing from the minute we wake up to the moment our heads hit the pillow at the end of the night.

France is coming up very soon - I have to work a little while I’m there - but we get lots of vacation time too!

I started planning this trip in October!!

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