Wedding Day TIMELINE

A sample of a wedding day timeline - to take a little stress off your planning!

"It’s not about having time. It’s about MAKING time!”

Organized is my middle name - so I’m told!! 

Although, honestly - these last couple of weeks have not felt like it - this blog was supposed to have been posted last week!

Every vacation that my hubby and I take are planned months in advance - what we will be doing from the minute we wake up to the moment our heads hit the pillow at the end of the night.

France is coming up very soon - I have to work a little while I’m there - but we get lots of vacation time too!

I started planning this trip in October!!

When our family and friends come over to visit - I plan their trip too!

They are usually only over for a short time, so I want to make sure we make the most of our time together - make every minute count.

I love it!

Sometimes - I wish I was a little more spontaneous - I do see the fun it that - but there are no lists involved with spontanaety!

I LOVE lists! and timelines - and knowing what's happening when!

So, since my next trip is already planned - and actually, next year’s trip too - I figured I’d help you - and write another list.

A wedding day timeline is pretty straight forward - but at the same time, can be a little daunting when you’ve never had to think about it before.

I’ve attended - and worked sixty plus weddings -  so I feel that I know my way around a wedding day.

Bridesmaids’ HAIR - 30 minutes

Bridesmaids’ MAKEUP - 45 minutes

*If you have a large bridal party, you may want to consider two or three stylists, to prevent you from having to get up super early!

Bride’s HAIR - 60 minutes (10.30am)

Bride’s MAKEUP - 60 minutes (11.30am)

*You may need to add travel time to and from salons - better yet, find a mobile hair and makeup artist so they can come to you to save you time (see my postFor the LOVE of beauty)

PHOTOGRAPHER arrives (12.00pm)

*Your photographer will usually arrive one hour before the bride leaves for the ceremony (two hours before the ceremony start time)

Ceremony - 30 minutes (2.00pm)

*The ceremony time will depend on the service, so make sure you speak with your JP/Officiant/Priest.

Receiving Line - 30 minutes (2.30pm)

*consider visiting with your guests at the reception instead - this will save you a little time and give you more time for pictures (or a break before dinner).

Family Photos - 30 minutes (3.00pm)

Grand Parents + Parents + Siblings + Partners + Children

  • Both sides together
  • Bride’s side
  • Groom’s side

Grand Parents + Parents + Siblings

  • Bride’s side
  • Groom’s side

Grand Parents + Parents

  • Bride’s side
  • Groom’s side

Parents + Siblings

  • Bride’s side
  • Groom’s side


  • Both sides together
  • Bride’s side
  • Groom’s side

*Any larger family / friends groups can potentially be done at the reception after dinner.

Add travel time (usually 30 minutes) to Formal photo location.

Formal Photos (Bridal Party) - 45 minutes (4.00pm)

Full Bridal Party (including flower girls and ring bearers)

Bridal Party

Girls only

Guys only

Groom with each guy

Bride with each girl

Formal Photos (Bride and Groom only) - 45 minutes (4.45pm)

*Allow for travel time to the reception

Arrive at Reception location / freshen up before dinner - 30 minutes (6.00pm)

Dinner/Supper - 90 minutes (6.30pm)

Speeches - 30 minutes (8.00pm)

Cake Cutting - 15 minutes (8.30pm)

First Dance / Parent Dance / Bridal Party Dance - 15 minutes (8.45pm)

All guests dance - 45 minutes (9.00pm)

Garter /Bouquet Toss - 15 minutes (9.45pm)

PHOTOGRAPHER leaves (10.00pm)

The clock times are just there to give you an idea of what a wedding day timeline could look like - it can be adjusted accordingly.

And this is just a ‘standard’ wedding day timeline which can be changed as you see fit.

For example, some like to have their picture time prior to their ceremony and have a more creative first look picture. This way, the reception can start right away and guests are not left waiting around.

At the end of the day though - you do what you want to do - and plan your wedding day timeline around you!

It is your day - and your guests will wait for you - snacks and alcohol usually helps!!

“Good things take time”

There's lots of wedding photography options available, all of which can be custom made just for you - check out my packages and pricing here.

with LOVE and a smile - Emma

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