Having a mommy - as positive - happy - bubbly - just BRILLIANT - as mine... 

is such an inspiration. 

She's an absolute delight to be around. 

Whatever she is faced with ( in life ) - she tackles it head on 

with a smile! 

Mommy is one of the little pieces of the puzzle that made me WHO I am!

She is an inspiration. 

She inspires me to dream - and catch those dreams. 

She inspires me to be happy through the toughest times.

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Say YES!

With Granyma' recently passing away, it made me think...

did she do everything she dreamed of - that she wanted? 

Did she live life to the fullest?

Am I?

Am I fulfilling every dream?

Are you?

Are you saying Yes to opportunities - even though your stomach is churning - and butterflies are doing somersaults?

Are you saying yes - despite everyone else saying no - to that 'thing' - or to you?!

My hubby and I said YES to moving to Canada - even though it was a long and frustrating process - and people said "it's just a pipe dream"

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Here is an AWESOME list - to help you find the perfect GIFT!!

At 33 years young (and six days - already!!!), I was expecting to go out for a few drinks with my friends - shopping with hubby - and a ‘family’ dinner with our Canadian family.


I wasn’t expecting prezzies!

Well, maybe from my hubby, hehe!

But not from my friends - my ‘family’ - or even my mommy (because I have told her several times that she really doesn’t have to - but she wants to - and I can’t say no to that).

I have received such beautiful gifts this year - my antique tea set is now complete - I have brand new (bright white) converse - and plenty of nail polish colours to get me through the seasons!

Thank you so much - I LOVE them all!

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Still deciding on ENGAGEMENT Pictures ?

Why are Engagement Pictures such a good idea? 

Most of my lovelies are camera-shy - avoid being the centre of attention - and therefore have probably never had a professional shoot done before.

So - with that in mind - do you really want your wedding day to be the first time that you experience a ‘paparazzi’ ? - that you experience a professional photo shoot.

Especially when you will already have a million and one things to think about

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Think it. DO it!

Thinking out loud! 

This morning - I woke suddenly from my sleep. 

My dream was basically an episode of the Walking Dead - abandoned buildings and deserted towns that I would move on from - leaving those that I just met, behind. - leaving in my Mini Cooper that climbed stairs and packed up into my pocket when I had no need to drive. 

I ended up stood with my mom and dad - in an office full of women who gathered and listened intently to my daddy as he raved about my achievements - and the model wine bar I’d made at school. 

But there was another man in the room too - and he was stood inappropriately close to me. I didn’t know this man, but yet he had his arm weighing down across my shoulders. I felt uncomfortable. 

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For the LOVE of BEAUTY!

Rewind back to my last blog - little or no make-up (on camera) will not look like you - and on your wedding day, I'm sure you want to look your absolute amazing self - to magnify the beauty that already exists!

Many make-up applications ago, when there were, in fact, no applications at all - professional or otherwise - my wedding day vision did not include a make-up artist. I had no interest (as you know) in wearing that 'muck'.

But, my wedding day came around and I decided on a little make-up for pictures - and I am so glad that I did - my hubby loved it and so did I.

Five and a half years ago, I married my best friend - our day was perfect - I wouldn't change a thing!

Well, just one thing - my make-up. This artist did a great job, but I look back at our photos and it was just too natural - barely there.

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