How do I book a Boudoir Session?

Hopefully you are now well and truly educated on boudoir shoots - and what to expect. 

You now know that you ARE the perfect fit for such a shoot

And there are no excuses left as to why you can't do it! 


What else is there to know?!

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Frequently asked Boudoir Questions

What is boudoir? 

Boudoir is a genre of photography designed to capture sensual raw beauty images of women 

(and now men and couples too)

Fun fact... 

The word boudoir is actually french - as original meaning was - a private room for women to sulk - but then later - a place for scandalous frolics 

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Me!! A boudoir and wedding Photographer

Pretty as a picture Photography is celebrating 5 years in business! 

How time flies when you're having fun! 

I've had the pleasure of working with some of you already

and some of you have become my fabulous friends

but some of you are only just joining my journey

So I thought it would be a good idea to say HELLO

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Gift Certificates - Why are they such a good idea?!

The thought of gift certificates used to bore me

I used to think that receiving gift certificates

or gifting them to friends or family

showed a lack of imagination and thought

a lack of organization and time. 

Gift Certificates are impersonal 

And a 'get out' for the lazy shoppers. 

But that was the 'I hate shopping' teenager in me

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Boudoir is for ALL shapes and sizes!

Why do we 'hate' our bodies??

Who dictates what a 'perfect' body is?

And why?

Beauty is in all shapes and sizes...

We can be 'big' and have a beautiful figure!

And those scars??

Those scars tell a story - a story of survival - a story of strength - a story of courage and of love!

And what's more beautiful than that?

I have been coming across this a lot lately.

Too much!

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Boudoir Offer - and my very first Facebook Live!

I did it!!

My very first Facebook Live!

And funnily enough - it felt just like a boudoir shoot...


Nerve Wrecking

And FUN!!

As scary as it was - and I totally rambled and fumbled my words - I will do another - and get better!

Did you manage to tune in??

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Find the time to face your fears!

Did you know that there's 1440 minutes in ONE day?!

That seems like a heck of a lot of time

yet I always feel like I'm running out of time!

Even during the winter season when I'm 'not busy'... I'm busy! 

My 'to do' list is getting longer - even though I am getting things done - bit by bit. 

I am so THANKFUL for Abi 

She came into my life to assist with weddings - and now she's helping with my TO DO list. 

She is saving me!

But can she save me from the grey hairs I seem to be sprouting??

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Having a mommy - as positive - happy - bubbly - just BRILLIANT - as mine... 

is such an inspiration. 

She's an absolute delight to be around. 

Whatever she is faced with ( in life ) - she tackles it head on 

with a smile! 

Mommy is one of the little pieces of the puzzle that made me WHO I am!

She is an inspiration. 

She inspires me to dream - and catch those dreams. 

She inspires me to be happy through the toughest times.

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