Wedding Day TIMELINE

A sample of a wedding day timeline - to take a little stress off your planning!

"It’s not about having time. It’s about MAKING time!”

Organized is my middle name - so I’m told!! 

Although, honestly - these last couple of weeks have not felt like it - this blog was supposed to have been posted last week!

Every vacation that my hubby and I take are planned months in advance - what we will be doing from the minute we wake up to the moment our heads hit the pillow at the end of the night.

France is coming up very soon - I have to work a little while I’m there - but we get lots of vacation time too!

I started planning this trip in October!!

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Why should YOU consider a Boudoir Photo Shoot?

The most common response to “why should I consider a boudoir photo shoot” seems to be - “for my hubby” - or fiance - partner - loved one.

It is a wonderful idea - the look on their face when they open the first page of your little black book - priceless!

What better gift could they possibly receive - than their sweetheart - at their very best - frozen in time! <3

But what if you haven’t found Mr. Right (yet)??

You simply do it for YOU!!

Anyone - and everyone - deserves to enjoy this empowering experience.

Everyone needs some ‘me time’ - take a day out of your busy schedule - get pampered - enjoy a FUN photo shoot - a glass (or two) of bubbly!

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WHY do I shoot Boudoir?

Boudoir Photo Shoot - my absolute FAVOURITE type of shoot - but why? 

This blog post has taken a different path from what I intended to write.

As I put pen to paper - and twisted my thoughts into knots - as my words just didn’t sit right on the pages - I realized that I had totally mis-understood who I used to be.

I realized that over the past twenty years - the image I had of myself - was untrue.

All this time - I have told myself (and others) that I was a shy child who lacked confidence - because even though I can quite comfortably make conversation with a stranger now - this hasn’t always been the case.

And still to this day - I am terrified of speaking in front of an audience.

So, I guess in a way - it is somewhat true - but confidence comes in other forms too - the confidence to be yourself!

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A wedding ALBUM - experience your day - over and over again!

A wedding album - why is it a great investment?

Since my hubby and I got married - almost six years ago - we have looked at our wedding album once a year - at least!

Sometimes we look through it together.

Sometimes I reminisce alone.

Today - knowing that I wanted to share my thoughts on wedding albums - but before writing a single word - I retrieved our wedding album from the closet.

It was still encased in its cardboard box - and inside that box - a leather presentation box - containing our beautiful acrylic 12x12 wedding album.

Opening up those boxes - again - reminded me of how EXCITED we were when our wedding album arrived - and we got to see it for the first time.

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Save it for a RAINY Day!

Indoor Photo Shoot Locations

Indoor photo shoot locations (for weddings and engagement photo shoots) in Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Hubby’s in his second week of suffering with a horrendous cold - his first of many of 2016 - no doubt!

So far, I am managing to avoid it - I thank my mom and dad for my great immune system - for making me play outside all the time - in any weather -

And I thank (my sister) Libla for helping me with the mud-pies -

And bathing in duck ponds has clearly helped too!

I usually only end up with about one cold per year - which will take up one day of my life (two at the most) - and I’m pretty sure it’s because we weren’t afraid to get a little dirt on our hands - and we were outside all. the. time! 

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Location, Location, LOCATIONS!

Engagement and Wedding Photo Shoot Locations...

When I'm thinking about photo shoot locations - I often find myself thinking of England - 

Thinking of the old cobbled streets that weave through the small village where I lived -

The old stone churches that have stood for centuries in each town -

I reminisce about the weekend walks we would take - rambling over the heather covered Yorkshire moors.

These places were practically on my doorstep - and now I feel like I should have made the most of them.

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Dress IMPECCABLY and they remember the Woman!

Engagement Shoot - what should you wear??

Dress to impress in your Engagement Shoot!

I've never been one to ask my girl-friends "what are you wearing for so-and-so?" - I like to pride myself on being different.

Actually, sometimes I would ask - just so I knew what NOT to wear - we don't all need to be wearing a little black dress (or whatever the IN-THING is at the time) 

I do LOVE fashion - but I'm usually wearing 'whatever' when its out of fashion!!

And now that I've had years of practice (and girls' nights out) - I feel that I am pretty good at knowing outfit situations...

What will I be expected to wear??

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Getting MY beauty on!

Butterflies were racing around my tummy.

Goosebumps covered my body even though the heating was cranked up.

The photographer was (is) a friend of mine - and I was excited - but yet, I felt so nervous.

Why was I so nervous?

It's not like I didn't know what to expect.

This time two years ago, after much thought, I decided to get half naked in front of the camera - I put myself in your shoes and did a boudoir shoot - for me - and for you - okay, and for hubby!

So often, my clients would express how excited they were for their upcoming boudoir shoot - but most of all, how nerves overwhelmed them!

"Don't be nervous" I would say!

But really, how could I actually say that, genuinely?!

As much as I knew that their shoot would be fun and relaxing, I had never been in their position and done a boudoir shoot myself.

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For the LOVE of BEAUTY!

Rewind back to my last blog - little or no make-up (on camera) will not look like you - and on your wedding day, I'm sure you want to look your absolute amazing self - to magnify the beauty that already exists!

Many make-up applications ago, when there were, in fact, no applications at all - professional or otherwise - my wedding day vision did not include a make-up artist. I had no interest (as you know) in wearing that 'muck'.

But, my wedding day came around and I decided on a little make-up for pictures - and I am so glad that I did - my hubby loved it and so did I.

Five and a half years ago, I married my best friend - our day was perfect - I wouldn't change a thing!

Well, just one thing - my make-up. This artist did a great job, but I look back at our photos and it was just too natural - barely there.

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